When selecting a school for your child or grandchild, you have many options. All schools offer classes in English, Math, Science, and History. Catholics schools not only provide these curriculum subjects, but they also integrate faith into every subject. That is the Catholic school difference. Discover A Dozen Reasons to Choose Catholic Schools.
Growing the Faith Life of Our Students
As a Catholic School, the spiritual life experiences of students at St. Bridget are the cornerstone of the school and heart of the curriculum. St. Bridget students attend daily Mass and alternately participate in the liturgy planning and implementation. Additional faith experiences throughout the school year include monthly FOP (praise and worship), prayer services, all-school rosaries, May Crowning, Stations of the Cross, ongoing adoration in the chapel, and altar serving for grades 5-8. Study of our Catholic faith is an integrated part of our school day. All students participate in weekly household meetings at which the upcoming Gospel is read and discussed and students share prayers of petition and thanksgiving.
Students in 2nd grade receive formation for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Preparation is integrated into the curriculum. Our 4th graders research a favorite saint and present their report to the class dressed as that saint. They lead the liturgy for the All Saints Day school Mass. Our 8th graders receive formation for the sacrament of Confirmation. Preparation is integrated into the curriculum. They also pray the Living Rosary for May Crowning and perform the Living Stations during Lent.
5th-8th graders complete service hours as part of their religion curriculum by doing things such as volunteering at the parish food pantry, raking leaves for the Poor Clare Sisters, cleaning the grounds, assisting in the school and parish offices, etc.
A sense of helping the less fortunate is instilled in all students by participating in frequent social causes such as non-uniform days to benefit Carpenter's Place, Crisis Pregnancy Center, Goodwill, and Miss Carly’s Community Center. The onsite Angel Garden provides a hands on curriculum experience for students, as well as an opportunity to assist with growing and harvesting vegetables annually for local food pantries.
Our 5th graders for several years have been blessed to participate in the Friends of Jesus Christmas Project with the Daughters of St. Paul. The students are each given $50 to in turn give to someone in need. In religion class, the students discuss possible recipient organizations after learning how each assists the less fortunate. Representatives of the non-profit organizations present to the class and then are given the donation. The students then write a letter explaining who they helped and how it made them feel. This year in light of remote learning, the children decided with their individual families how to pass along their fortune to the less fortunate. Letters were written and the students will share their experience once they return to school.
Attending to the Whole Child
Our systematic social and emotional learning promotes and improves students' attitudes and beliefs about themselves, their relationships with others, and their education. Students are helped to acquire the necessary skills to understand and manage their emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, and make responsible decisions.
Each classroom has a dedicated “Calm Corner”. Students are invited to visit the space when they sense that they are in need of refocusing by completing a breathing exercise, using a fidget object, doodling, etc.
Well Prepared for Boylan Catholic High School
Six of the 12 Boylan Catholic High School class of 2024, who received as incoming freshmen the Bishop Lane Scholar Award, are St. Bridget School students. These students achieved a composite score of 95th percentile or higher on the High School Placement Test administered to all incoming freshmen. All received $1000 tuition scholarships each of their 4 years at BCHS.